
Download ps4 far cry new dawn for free
Download ps4 far cry new dawn for free

download ps4 far cry new dawn for free

You blow things up, you kill people, animals, and even blow yourself up plenty of times. Gameplay - 8/10- Still solid gameplay from far cry. The twins are boring as can be, have no character, and are not believable in their positions as leaders. Story - 1/10- There really isn't a story, but what little there is lacks pretty much anything of interest. I am not sure but I would say it would had been nice if they had more involvement in the story. Also one thing I like about Farcry is the villains are usually very memorable but the twins not so much. This game felt like a place holder until the next game comes out. Things I did like, well it is a far cry game, the little puzzles you have to do for some of the stashes are fun.

download ps4 far cry new dawn for free

Just I wanted more and would had been happier with more weapon customizing. I have played a lot worse games and still really like this game. This game is still fun and I still enjoy it. Things I did like, well it While I get people saying this is DLC, I would had preferred if they took a bit more time made the map larger and more weapon customization. While I get people saying this is DLC, I would had preferred if they took a bit more time made the map larger and more weapon customization.

Download ps4 far cry new dawn for free